To prayerfully lead people to faith in Jesus Christ and equip people to live as servants devoted to Jesus Christ and His church.

Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Luke 6:31


At Antioch, we "teach" and "believe":

  1. When we respond to Christ’s love by responding to him, his purpose becomes our mission.
  2. Because Christ is central to everything, his power must be central in us.
  3. We are part of Christ’s body, and we must be in vital union with him.
  4. We are one family in Christ; so there should be no barriers, no division, and no basis for discrimination.
  5. We are to take Christ’s attitude in serving others. We must renounce personal recognition and merit.
  6. Christ gives us power to lay aside our personal needs and concerns
  7. As believers, we should contend against a common enemy, not against one another.
  8. Developing our character begins with God’s work in us.
  9. We can have joy.
  10. Because Christ is Supreme, our lives must be Christ centered.
  11. To acknowledge him as our head we must welcome his leadership in all that we do or think.
  12. We must not cling to our own ideas and try to blend them into Christianity.
  13. The Holy Spirit helps us to remain strong.
  14. If we believe in Christ, we will live with him forever.
  15. God promises to reward our faith by giving us his power, helping us bear persecution.
  16. Christ will return and bring total victory to all who trust in him.
  17. We must know the truth in order to defend it.
  18. Christian Character must be evident in every aspect of worship.
  19. Church leaders must be wholly committed to Christ.
  20. We must prepare people to transmit God’s word to others so that they might pass it on.

Church Activities

Equipping the Saints

Rev. Cleveland Hayes Sr. has faithfully served as Senior Pastor since 1995 and has led Antioch to a unique sense of mission and outreach. The Church is growing – spiritually – numerically – financially.

Each Sunday morning we have discipleship training – minister’s class – mid – week teachers meeting – Bible study – and speak of the pastor’s vision for “equipping the saints”:

church“And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you,

but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly,

and from house to house,

For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.”
-Acts 20:20, 27 KJV

Our teaching is based solely upon the inspired Holy Word of God where we teach and believe that God’s Word is the only and final authority in the lives and matters of all people. We believe "bible fed easy lead."

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